CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook have a plan to kill the iPhone

The iPhone is among the most popular and iconic devices ever made and continues to be Apple's most significant solution, but there will come a time when a different sort of device might replace the iPhone and smartphones generally.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg alluded to such a future in a meeting with YouTube feeling Marquees Brownlee at which both spoke Facebook's foray into augmented and virtual reality.

While Zuckerberg was careful to criticize Apple or the iPhone openly, he did hint that the potential for communication might not involve physical displays, and made no secret that Facebook will compete in that landscape.

Apple's Apple Watch keynote and Sony's PS5 price and launch date reveal have been the most crucial tech events of this week. With all the news about the new Apple Watch attributes, the iPhone 12 chip, the iOS 14 launch, and the PS5 preorder issues, you may have missed another exciting development in the technology world. Popular YouTuber Marques Brownlee interviewed Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and both spent a good 15 minutes talking about a very specific slice of technologies: hardware.

When you believe Facebook and Zuckerberg, subjects like user privacy and personal data mismanagement, election manipulation, questionable business practices, and social media toxicity should be top of mind. However, that is not what Brownlee addressed throughout the meeting, focusing squarely on the future of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). If you may put a few large pins in all the issues which Zuckerberg and co. still need to tackle, and dissociate yourself from some other preexisting anger at Facebook, the interview is very intriguing. The CEO provided the audience a rare glimpse into his eyesight for both of these technology that Facebook's involved via its Oculus endeavor. That's where Zuckerberg explained precisely what's going to kill the iPhone in the long run, without specifically covering the most popular gadget ever made. And that's where he seemed to make it crystal clear that Facebook is gunning for that place too.

A series of leaks have said that Apple is producing AR eyeglasses of its own. Originally, the apparatus will work with the iPhone, having to connect to the device wirelessly, exactly like the Apple Watch does. Apple must develop this technology right now, well before others get more grip with similar ideas. That is because potential versions of AR eyeglasses might not need pairing up with a genuine smartphone. In case a wearable device that looks like a normal pair of glasses is potent enough to project any holograms before your eyes, then you won't need a physical screen in your pocket to check at a display and interact with apps. The gadget will give you access to your digital screen which you'll interact with via gestures, without having a physical thing in your hands. The iPhone could be in your face. Or it could be a screen-less apparatus you carry in your pocket.

It turns out, that is what Zuckerberg envisions for the future of AR eyeglasses, and that is where he'll be steering his AR and VR efforts towards in the coming years.

The CEO informed Brownlee that the planet is getting major new technology platforms every 15 years. Every of them"provides a more immersive experience and enables us to communicate with the people and businesses and things that we care about around the world with just high fidelity."

The phones in our pocket are already"pretty amazing," he explained. "You've got this such as incredibly powerful personal computer in your pocket, but it is not the end of the line," Zuckerberg clarified. The phone pulls you away from the world round, it's immersive, and achieves all that using a relatively modest display.

Speaking of the next-gen platforms, Zuckerberg said"that the essence of augmented and virtual truth is that you will need to get a tech that delivers this sense of presence, the feeling that you're actually right there with someone else and each of the different sensations that include that generally," he explained.

VR and AR will provide users new adventures which will be more immersive than before compared to the screen-centric experiences which are available at the moment. With mobiles, pills, and TVs, you are convincing your mind you're someplace else, Zuckerberg said. However, VR and AR will actually allow the mind to believe that you are somewhere else. All these devices will have the ability to project people and objects in real time, and involve other senses, such as sound and touch.

Zuckerberg said AR eyeglasses would be"good looking type of normal eyeglasses, but not anything that is super thick" They'd be devices that last all day long, capable of projecting holograms into the world.

But that is where Zuckerberg dropped the stone which makes it clear that the Facebook CEO believe screens will not necessarily be required in the future. He said that the"trippy" thing he's considering is further out. "After we have really great mature AR glasses we will not even always require different children of screens anymore," he said, ensuring he never mentioned tablets. "Matters like TVs, tablets could all be electronic holograms," and it could be programs that electricity experiences that would have needed physical displays before.

Hearing Zuckerberg discuss what could be the passing of this smartphone and the iPhone is quite sobering for any number of reasons, including the ones we place a few huge hooks in. Much like Zuckerberg, Apple might have similar thoughts, and that's why the firm may wish its AR glasses out nicely before others may beat it to market with much more intriguing designs.

While Facebook's CEO did not publicly attack Apple throughout the interview, he did it passive-aggressively. He acknowledged that Apple and many others may be working on AR apparatus, but said that nobody is investing as much as Facebook is. He made it clear that he's been rocking Samsung phones for years and he educated other execs at Facebook to utilize Android, maybe not iPhones like everyone else. He also plugged Spotify, that was criticizing Apple app practices for years. That is unsurprising, considering that Facebook went after Apple for its stricter privacy protections in iOS 14 only a few weeks ago. But we're not likely to unpin those pins right now. Brownlee's full interview with Zuckerberg follows below in total.