BREAKING NEWS: Flight Centre announces the closure of NINETY more stores with hundreds of jobs to be axed as coronavirus restrictions kill travel industry

Flight Centre will close 90 more stores due to the crippling effects of COVID-19 restrictions on the travel industry. 

The agency shut 330 stores at the beginning of the pandemic and on Wednesday said 'continued domestic and international border closures' had forced further closures.

Flight Centre had employed 10,000 people before COVID-19 hit, with 4,000 of them since being made redundant.

Flight Centre is closing 90 more stores due to the damaging effects of coronavirus restrictions on the travel industry (pictured: Flight Centre store in Brisbane)

Flight Centre is closing 90 more stores due to the damaging effects of coronavirus restrictions on the travel industry (pictured: Flight Centre store in Brisbane) 

'Without question, the past six months have been the most challenging period in our almost 40 years in business,' Flight Centre's managing director James Kavanagh said in a statement. 

'Never before had we imagined – let alone faced – a scenario whereby all discretionary travel would be halted for a prolonged period. 

'We are incredibly sorry that some of our great people are not able to continue on their Flight Centre journey with us at this time but we are taking steps to preserve as many roles as possible for the future, while building a smaller but stronger overall network.'

The company reported a massive $662m loss in August, after making a profit of $264m in the previous year. 

The government's JobKeeper assistance saw between $70m-$80m offered to the company to be handed out to the employees.  

As Flight Centre continues to battle through the uncertainty of closed borders and COVID-19, they keep at least 332 stores in Australia. 

At least 60 of the stores however, will remain closed for the next six to 12 months.

Flight Centre is the largest retailer of travel in Australia (stock image of store in Sydney)

Flight Centre is the largest retailer of travel in Australia (stock image of store in Sydney)

Australia's borders remain shut to international arrivals to control the spread of COVID-19.

Nationally, New South Wales has kept its borders open to all states except for Victoria as they battled through a second wave of cases.

On Friday, South Australia reopened their borders to New South Wales due to very low or no community transmission cases. 

Anyone who wants to travel to another state will have to quarantine for 14-days to ensure they don't have COVID-19.

Those who are seeking to travel overseas are unable to unless they have an exemption from the government. 

Australia's border's will remain closed to the rest of the world until at least December 17.