Beauty salon receptionist, 21, tells court she was drink-driving to flee thugs who were intent on smashing up her new £20,000 Mercedes

A beauty salon receptionist who was caught drink-driving claimed she was fleeing a gang of men who had attacked her in a fit of jealousy over her new Mercedes.

Rhea James, 21, told a court she was punched in the face by thugs who spotted the £20,000 vehicle and told her 'We're going to smash it up' outside a takeaway in Altrincham, Greater Manchester. 

She jumped in the Mercedes and moved it around the corner, but was stopped by police after they were alerted by a council official monitoring CCTV that she was too intoxicated to drive.

Tests later showed James was one and a half times the alcohol limit.

The student admitted drink driving at Manchester Magistrates' Court but escaped with a £288 fine, alongside a 12-month driving ban.

Pictured: Rhea JamesPictured; Rhea James

Rhea James, 21, told a court she was punched in the face by thugs who spotted the £20,000 Mercedes and told her 'We're going to smash it up' outside a takeaway in Altrincham, Greater Manchester

The student admitted drink driving at Manchester Magistrates' Court but escaped with a £288 fine, alongside a 12-month driving ban. Pictured: A car similar to the one driven by James

The student admitted drink driving at Manchester Magistrates' Court but escaped with a £288 fine, alongside a 12-month driving ban. Pictured: A car similar to the one driven by James

Steve Woodman, prosecuting, told the court how police had been asked to keep an eye on the potential drink driver at around 12.45am on July 13 after Trafford Council informed them of two females entering the vehicle.

'Police sighted the stopping on Oxford Road, Miss James got out the driver's side and started to walk away even when asked by officers to stay where she was,' he said.

'She ignored requests and walked off before being escorted back to the police vehicle where she failed the roadside breath test.

'Miss James is a young lady of good character and no convictions or cautions whatsoever. '

She jumped in the Mercedes and moved it around the corner, but was stopped by police after they were alerted by a council official monitoring CCTV that she was too intoxicated to drive

She jumped in the Mercedes and moved it around the corner, but was stopped by police after they were alerted by a council official monitoring CCTV that she was too intoxicated to drive

Tests showed James had 53 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. 

Appearing unrepresented, she told the hearing: 'Prior to the arrest there had been an altercation where I was and that's why the police were there.

'A group of males had punched me in the face after they saw my car was there. As I got my handbag out the car to get food from the takeaway.

'They were threatening "We're going to smash it up" and that is why I have moved my car from the location of the takeaway.

'I know I should not have done it but because of the adrenaline of the physical altercation, I didn't think and didn't feel it. I just moved the car and then got out of it to walk home with my friend.

'I do realise and understand it's other people's safety but at that time I was just more thinking of the short distance and the emergency situation rather than doing it just to get home. I was always going to walk and leave my car anyway.' 

James was ordered to pay £119 in costs and surcharges, and was offered a place on a drink driver rehabilitation course.