All shook up! Face of Elvis appears in giant wave as 65mph winds hammer east coast

A photographer was left all shook up after he captured the moment the face of Elvis appeared in a giant wave as 65mph winds hammered the east coast.

Jordan Crosby was taking snaps of the surf crashing against Seaham Lighthouse in County Durham at sunrise on Friday. 

He spent half an hour capturing the shots form the harbour with his Nikon D5 camera as the waves towered over the 30ft-tall lighthouse.

It was only when Jordan got home that he noticed he had inadvertently captured the uncanny resemblance of The King emerging from the ocean with his trademark quiff.

Jordan Crosby, 26, was taking snaps of the surf crashing against Seaham Lighthouse in County Durham at sunrise on Friday when he saw face of Elvis appear in a giant wave

Jordan Crosby, 26, was taking snaps of the surf crashing against Seaham Lighthouse in County Durham at sunrise on Friday when he saw face of Elvis appear in a giant wave

Jordan, 26, of Hartlepool, said: 'It was pretty wild out there so I thought it would make for some dramatic pictures.

'I pulled out my winter coat for the first this year and headed up there at sunrise to see what I could get.

'The forecast was for 40mph winds and the waves were meant to be 50ft or 60ft. It was certainly ferocious.

'The images aren't really that technically difficult to get, it was more about dealing with the weather, and after 30 minutes I headed home to see what the pictures were like.

It was not until the photographer got home that he noticed he had inadvertently captured the uncanny resemblance of The King emerging from the ocean with his trademark quiffIt was not until the photographer got home that he noticed he had inadvertently captured the uncanny resemblance of The King emerging from the ocean with his trademark quiff

It was not until the photographer got home that he noticed he had inadvertently captured the uncanny resemblance of The King emerging from the ocean with his trademark quiff

'When I put them online somebody said you can see Elvis' face in one of the waves.

'I thought he was having me on, but once you see it you can't miss it. Sure enough there he was emerging from the sea.

'You can see his quiff really well, then a nose and his face. It's amazing really, everybody loves Elvis so to capture an image of The King was really special.'

The Met Office has issued severe weather warnings as heavy rain and 65mph winds were forecast in some part of the UK today.