Tory MPs call for human rights laws to be abandoned to help stop flow of migrants crossing the Channel

Britain must tear up human rights laws to halt the flow of migrants crossing the Channel, Tory MPs warned yesterday.

In a letter to Boris Johnson, the 40-strong Common Sense Group called for 'root and branch reform' of the asylum system to deter people from attempting the hazardous Channel crossing.

They urged the Prime Minister to ban asylum claims from migrants who travel to Britain from another safe country such as France.

Britain must tear up human rights laws to halt the flow of migrants crossing the Channel, Tory MPs warned yesterday

Britain must tear up human rights laws to halt the flow of migrants crossing the Channel, Tory MPs warned yesterday 

Group founder Sir John Hayes, a former security minister, said the issue should be a 'national priority' in a summer which has seen a record number of illegal crossings.

Removing the right to claim asylum from some migrants would mean re-writing the Human Rights Act, but Sir John said ministers must not shy away from this.

'The Human Rights Act in its current form is not fit for purpose,' he said. 'Of course certain lawful entitlements, such as the right to a fair trial, are important... but the Human Rights Act as it stands is being abused by a whole army of lawyers. 

Group founder Sir John Hayes, a former security minister (pictured in 2018), said the issue should be a 'national priority'

Group founder Sir John Hayes, a former security minister (pictured in 2018), said the issue should be a 'national priority'

The majority of migrants crossing the Channel do not have the right to asylum when their cases are looked at, but even then it is very difficult to remove them without their cases becoming clogged up in the courts.

'Part of our mandate was to create a Tory alternative to the bourgeois liberal hegemony.

'Now is the time to act because the public are sick of this.'

The letter to the PM highlights a range of options for limiting the ability of cross-Channel migrants to claim asylum.

These include a total ban on claims from those arriving from 'safe' countries where they could have lodged a claim. Alternatives include limiting cases to a single application 'to prevent repeated vexatious claims', and strict time limits on the handling of claims.

The intervention comes after more than 5,000 migrants crossed the Channel this year.

Home Secretary Priti Patel has pledged to make the 'incredibly dangerous route unviable' but has not set out any detailed plans.

MPs are now demanding urgent legislation when Parliament r