Sheridan Smith reveals she leaks milk when baby Billy cries and is 'in awe' of her body as she says leaving motherhood until later life is 'the right thing'

She welcomed son Billy with fiancé Jamie Horn in May. 

And in a new interview, Sheridan Smith, 39, has revealed that she leaks milk when her three-month-old baby cries and is 'in awe' of her body.

The actress also said that leaving motherhood until later life is 'the right thing,' because she 'wasn't ready' before she met Jamie.  

Baby update: In a new interview, Sheridan Smith, 39, has revealed that she leaks milk when her three-month-old son Billy cries and is 'in awe' of her body

Baby update: In a new interview, Sheridan Smith, 39, has revealed that she leaks milk when her three-month-old son Billy cries and is 'in awe' of her body

Sheridan told People magazine: 'I take my hat off to women everywhere. I did not realise what we are capable of doing – our bodies – I'm fascinated by it all. It's incredible.

'I know it sounds stupid, but I'm in awe. I've grown a little person! If he cries, my body leaks milk – it's amazing.

'I've left motherhood later in life but I think it's probably the right thing. I wasn't ready before I met Jamie and now I've got this little family and I just feel – I can't explain it – like a contentment, a calm.

The mother-of-one previously admitted: 'Maybe I was looking for something in the wrong places and now I feel like I've found it in this little boy when I look in his eyes, it's just incredible.' 

Happy lady: The actress also said that leaving motherhood until later life is 'the right thing'

Happy lady: The actress also said that leaving motherhood until later life is 'the right thing'

Her recent interview comes after she fought back tears over fears about her past mental health issues returning, in a new clip from her documentary, Becoming Mum, was released. 

The then-pregnant star became visibly emotional as she said pregnancy had given her a 'second chance at life' in a new clip from the show which follows her journey to motherhood.

She said: 'No-one knows really what's going on behind it all. The biggest worry, you've had mental health issues in the past, will it rear its ugly head again?  

'Now I'm pregnant it feels like I've got a second chance at life. Having a baby never crossed my mind until I met Jamie. I love him so much. He's so brilliant. He's going to be a great dad. I just hope I'm a good mum.'   

Content: 'I wasn't ready before I met Jamie and now I've got this little family and I just feel – I can't explain it – like a contentment, a calm,' explained the actress

Content: 'I wasn't ready before I met Jamie and now I've got this little family and I just feel – I can't explain it – like a contentment, a calm,' explained the actress

The actress had an emergency caesarean when her baby arrived early this summer, while the country was in lockdown.  

Discussing the first weeks of her baby's life, she continued: 'We did the first seven weeks of his life in lockdown and we had no-one else. 

'But it was a blessing in a way because you would normally lean on the grandparents and get help and because he came early and was so tiny, I think I would have just said, 'Argh – everyone help me!'.  

'But we were on our own and just had to get on with it and were thrown in at the deep end. And now he's thriving and he's like a real little chunky monkey, and the fact we've achieved that and we've got him to three months and he's thriving, he's healthy, the paediatrician's thrilled with him. 

'So that first anxiety, of, 'Oh my god, he's come early, in lockdown, with no antenatal, no help, no-one could come', all that worry is suddenly gone. I mean I'm sure down the line there will be difficult days and more worry but we both feel really proud. 

'We're really proud of ourselves. To see him smiling back and see that he's happy and healthy, you can't put it into words. 

She continued: 'It's the best feeling in the world! I'd kind of been told that by people but I actually never thought I was maternal, even though I've always had animals… 

'Everyone said motherhood will change your life but I guess I just hadn't thought about it until it happened and then when I saw him, I mean there are no words that could explain that bond, that connection. 

'Just recently he's started smiling and Jamie and I were saying, because my son came early and I ended up having an emergency caesarean, but the day he smiled at me was more amazing and emotional even than the day he was born, because you suddenly think, 'Oh my god – you love me back!' 

'Suddenly all those sleepless nights and all that worry goes out the window. You look in those little eyes and the love you feel, it's like a connection I've never felt and thank god I've done it.  

The star also credited Jamie for helping with her mental health and said: 'What helped me the most, and it will be different for everyone, but I know from a personal point of view that I tend to shut down slightly and not say what I'm feeling. 

'Luckily I have Jamie now who has learnt that and knows that but some people might not have someone there to do that.' 

Sheridan met fiance Jamie on mobile dating app Tinder in 2018, and he has proved to be her biggest champion