Hershel Walker's son calls Jacob Blake a 'crazy violent criminal' and urges Wisconsin cops to release body cam video of his shooting to stop BLM protesters 'pulling another George Floyd' - as his father speaks at RNC

The son of NFL legend Herschel Walker called Jacob Blake, the man shot seven times in the back by Police in Wisconsin, a ‘crazy, violent criminal’ as his Heisman Trophy-winning father spoke at the Republican National Convention to endorse Trump.

In a video posted to Twitter Monday, Christian Walker said the shooting of Blake in Kenosha was ‘another incident of a crazy violent criminal refusing to follow directions from police officers and getting consequences for it.’

Blake, 29, who was unarmed, has been left paralyzed from the shooting. He was reportedly involved in a physical altercation with police before walking to his vehicle when officers opened fire on him from behind.

‘Jacob Blake, oh yeah he was a felon sexual assaulter, he was a domestic abuser and had given cops trouble in the past. There was a warrant out for his arrest,’ Christian said in the clip.

Christian, who describes himself as a ‘free-speech radicalist’, urged police to release body cam footage of the incident to prevent Black Lives Matter protesters from ‘pulling another George Floyd with us’.

‘He should’ve followed directions and we wouldn’t be in this situation,’ Christian continued.

In a video posted to Twitter Monday, Christian Walker said the shooting of Blake in Kenosha was ¿another incident of a crazy violent criminal refusing to follow directions from police officers and getting consequences for it.¿Jacob Blake shown above

In a video posted to Twitter Monday, Christian Walker said the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha was ‘another incident of a crazy violent criminal refusing to follow directions from police officers and getting consequences for it.’

Christian Walker (left) is the son of Hershel Walker (right), a Heisman Trophy Winner who went on to become a Running-Back in the NFL, playing for the like of the Dallas Cowboys. He started his pro career at New Jersey Generals, a USFL team Trump owned

Christian Walker is the son of Hershel Walker , a Heisman Trophy Winner who went on to become a Running-Back in the NFL, playing for the like of the Dallas Cowboys. He started his pro career at New Jersey Generals, a USFL team Trump owned

Blake did have an outstanding warrant for his arrest at the time of the shooting, stemming charges issued of third-degree assault, trespassing and disorderly conduct in connection to an alleged domestic abuse incident on July 6.

It’s currently unclear whether the attending officers were aware of the warrant when responding to the scene of the shooting Sunday to reports of ‘family trouble’.

Christian spoke out on the shooting of Blake again Wednesday, following the arrest of 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse who is accused of killing two Black Lives Matter protesters in Kenosha on Tuesday night as he patrolled the city with an AR-15.

The influencer took aim at Blake once again, calling him a ‘disgusting career criminal, with a horribly violent past.’

‘Black supremacists are defending him solely because of his skin color,’ he added.

Christian also said he believed that Rittenhouse ‘acted in complete self-defense and is being charged with murder’. 

In a later tweet, Christian wrote: ‘Kyle Rittenhouse Did Nothing Wrong’.

The message was followed up hours later, in which Walker appeared to write of Blake: ‘If kindergartners can follow directions from teachers, then grown men can follow directions from police officers. I don’t feel bad, follow the law.’

Christian also called Black Lives Matter a ‘racist terrorist organisation’.

‘BLM is mentally deranged and need to be called out for what they are: black supremacists,’ he wrote. ‘Someone could dismember you and they would defend them as long as they had black skin. Black lives matter is a racist terrorist organization.’

Blake did have an outstanding warrant for his arrest at the time of the shooting, stemming charges issued of a third-degree assault, trespassing and disorderly conduct in connection to an alleged domestic abuse incident on July 6Cops fired at Blake as he got into his car

Blake did have an outstanding warrant for his arrest at the time of the shooting, stemming charges issued of a third-degree assault, trespassing and disorderly conduct in connection to an alleged domestic abuse incident on July 6

The shooting of Blake came on the eve of the opening night of the Republican National Convention.

Herschel Walker, a former NFL running back for the Dallas Cowboys, appeared during spoke in support of the president and their 37-year-friendship.

'I watched him as the owner of a professional football team,' said Walker, who started out his pro football career in the New Jersey Generals, a USFL team Trump owned.

'Right after he bought the team, he set out to learn,' said the former Heisman trophy winner. 'He learned about the history of the team, the players, the coaches. Every detail. Then he used what he learned to make the team better,' said Walker.

‘I've seen racism up close. I know what it is. And, it isn't Donald Trump,’ he continued. ‘I take it as a personal insult that people would think I've had a 37-year friendship with a racist. People who think that don't know what they're talking about.’

Walker’s speech sparked backlash online, prompting the racial slur ‘Uncle Tom’ to trend on Twitter, with thousands admonishing the NFL great for his endorsement.

However, Christian leaped to his father’s defense, calling him ‘the best speaker of the night’.

‘My dad Herschel Walker, a southern black man from Georgia, is the greatest testament to President Trump's character and to the fact that he is the furthest thing from a racist,’ Christian wrote.

The shooting of Blake came on the eve of the opening night of the Republican National Convention. Herschel Walker(above), a former NFL running back for the Dallas Cowboys, appeared during spoke in support of the president and their 37-year-friendship

The shooting of Blake came on the eve of the opening night of the Republican National Convention. Herschel Walker, a former NFL running back for the Dallas Cowboys, appeared during spoke in support of the president and their 37-year-friendship

During Walker’s speech at the convention, he said that Trump ‘shows how much he cares about social justice in the Black community through his actions, and his actions speak louder than stickers and slogans on a jersey.’

Christian referenced those slogans in his Monday video, calling Black Lives Matter activists terrorists that destroy the lives of black people by destroying their communities.

‘Oh, but since he's black BLM terrorists think they get an excuse to go burn and loot a city to the floor,’ Walker said. ‘BLM, change your name to Criminal Lives Matter, because all you really do is destroy black lives and black communities when you go burning cities to the ground in the name of violent criminals.’

Following the shooting of Blake, protests have erupted in Kenosha for four consecutive nights. While Wednesday night’s scenes were largely peaceful, the three evenings prior were rife with violence, vandalism and looting.

Two people were shot dead on Tuesday night, a third was injured.