Eve Black boasts about dodging lockdown as she breaks her silence on THAT checkpoint video and reveals she was sent vile rape threats after clip went viral and her secret life as an 'adult entertainer' was exposed

Notorious lockdown dodger Eve Black has broken her silence on the viral video that got her dramatically arrested for breaching Melbourne's lockdown.

The former adult entertainer, 28, infamously gloated as she bluffed her way through a roadblock in Victoria during Stage Three lockdown.

Six days later she was dragged from her 2012 Toyota Landcruiser and handcuffed after police smashed her car window at a traffic stop on July 29.

Black, real name Eve Limberiou, moved to a rural property and hadn't been heard from since her arrest, but finally emerged on Sunday to attack her critics.

Notorious lockdown dodger Eve Black has broken her silence on the viral video that got her dramatically arrested for breaching Melbourne's lockdown

Notorious lockdown dodger Eve Black has broken her silence on the viral video that got her dramatically arrested for breaching Melbourne's lockdown

The former adult entertainer, 28, infamously gloated as she bluffed her way through a roadblock in Victoria during Stage Three lockdown

The former adult entertainer, 28, infamously gloated as she bluffed her way through a roadblock in Victoria during Stage Three lockdown

In a video uploaded to her social media, Black insisted she did nothing wrong and claimed police hunted her down in revenge for the video.

She bizarrely believes police were listening to her phone calls, reading her messages and tracking her location so they could nab her breaching lockdown.

'The reason they came after me is that I embarrassed them. I made a mockery of the very system they're trying to enforce which is taking away our freedoms,' she said.

'They wanted to come after me because they knew they couldn't get anything on me for that first day when I went through the checkpoint, so they needed to have something.

'They "we're going to arrest her unlawfully and make a mockery out of her because she made a mockery out of us".'

In a video uploaded to her social media, Black insisted she did nothing wrong and police hunted her down in revenge for the video

In a video uploaded to her social media, Black insisted she did nothing wrong and police hunted her down in revenge for the video

Black bizarrely believes police were listening to her phone calls, reading her messages and tracking her location so they could nab her breaching lockdown

Black bizarrely believes police were listening to her phone calls, reading her messages and tracking her location so they could nab her breaching lockdown

Black insists she at no point refused to comply with police directions when she was stopped at the checkpoint in Bunyip, east of Melbourne.

'He asked me questions, I exercised my right to not need to answer them. He didn't ask me for my information, so I didn't refuse to give ,' she said. 

'He waved me through. If I was really doing the wrong thing, why did he let me through?'

Black admitted she didn't go about it in 'the best way possible', but her laughter after being allowed through was just 'a sigh of relief'.

'I laughed because it was an ecstatic release... the nervousness of the whole moment building up was actually quite terrifying,' she said.

When she was pulled over in the inner-city suburb of Carlton a week later, she unsuccessfully used a debunked 'legal' argument on officers.

This footage of Black laughing as she sped away from the checkpoint after talking her way through enraged much of Australia. She on Sunday admitted she didn't go about it in 'the best way possible'

 This footage of Black laughing as she sped away from the checkpoint after talking her way through enraged much of Australia. She on Sunday admitted she didn't go about it in 'the best way possible'

Black is one of a large group that believes the coronavirus emergency powers are invalid and don't recognise police authority.

They read from a script circulated on social media that ignores police questions and instead ask their own and refuse to give their details.

She claimed in the video that police and the government want everyone living in fear so they can do what they want.

'They don't give a f**k, they've got one agenda, and they're dismissing any normal code of conduct they would normally have to follow because special powers,' she said.

Black said she was detained at the roadside for 10 minutes before being released, then drove home with her smashed window.

She was told she would receive a court summons in the mail but claims it has not yet arrived.

Later in the video she appeared unrepentant about ignoring public health orders and encouraged her many new fans to do the same.

'Don't just sit there with a little dummy in your mouth because the government says do as I say. Nah, f**k that,' she said, flashing her middle finger to camera.

Black is one of a maddeningly large group that believes the coronavirus emergency powers are invalid and don't recognise police authority

Black is one of a maddeningly large group that believes the coronavirus emergency powers are invalid and don't recognise police authority

Black also opened up on the torrent of abuse, including rape and death threats, she received online as her video and arrest went viral

Black also opened up on the torrent of abuse, including rape and death threats, she received online as her video and arrest went viral

At another point she said she didn't trust that old people who had coronavirus actually died from the disease, claiming authorities lie on death certificates.

Black also opened up on the torrent of abuse she received online as her video and arrest went viral. 

'It was difficult for me to be receiving rape threats and death threats, but all the people who've said really awful things about me, which is the majority, but I've not had anybody come up to me in public and say something to my face,' she said.

She said one man gave her the finger, but everyone else who approached her in the street gave her praise and support.

'It's nice to have people say that I'm a hero, that's f**king great, but would I want that in exchange for everything that I've had? No!' she said.

'You're all keyboard warriors, when push comes to shove, you're not doing s**t because you're scared, you don't have the balls.'

Black has moved to a rural property in Victoria after the furore her antis sparked a month ago

Black has moved to a rural property in Victoria after the furore her antis sparked a month ago

Black in the video and in other Facebook posts mocked media for 'outing' her as a topless waitress.

'Actually I'm not, that was a previous job, I'm not in that industry anymore,' she said.

'Even when I WAS in the adult entertainment industry, I was always known for being the sober girl. No drinking, no drugs.

'I have also NEVER been a drug addict or an alcoholic.'

Black claimed she had not even had a sip of wine for the past year because she wanted to be 'of clear mind, body and spirit'.

'At least pick something worthy and accurate, like the fact that I used to be bulimic/binge eat, or something else relevant,' she wrote.

The viral video that landed Eve Black in hot water

Eve Black's video showed how residents in Melbourne's locked down suburbs could simply drive through police checkpoints without telling officers where they were going. 

When a police officer asked her where she was headed and why she was attempting to leave, Ms Black simply told him she didn't need to share that information.

Instead of sharing her personal information, Ms Black asked the officer whether she'd 'disturbed the peace' by trying to leave her town.

'No,' the officer responded. 'I just asked what your reason for leaving today is.'


Ms Black responded: 'I don't need to tell you that. I don't know you.'

Initially, the officer persisted. 'Where have you come from,' he asked again.

'I don't need to answer your questions. Have I committed a crime? Have I committed a crime?' she asked twice.

Instead of answering her question, the officer waved Ms Black through the checkpoint.

'Just keep going,' he said as he let Black and her passenger drive past, and she sped off laughing and celebrating

Black admitted she was 'nervous as heck' as she approached the checkpoint, but encouraged her friends and family to 'know their rights' during lockdown.

'I just read from the sheet and he could obviously see it wasn't worth the trouble,' she explained.

The sheet in question explained the exact phrases people attempting to leave lockdown should use when stopped by officers.


Black was widely condemned after posting the video and was threatened with arrest by Victoria's assistant police commissioner. 

She still attended an illegal gathering of about 50 coronavirus conspiracy theorists at a gym in Cranbourne days later where she was praised by organiser Nick Patterson.

But just before her arrest she shut down all social media and vanished from view until this weekend. 

'I have privatised my acc because I have better things to do than be a punching bag for your fear,' she wrote at the time.

'I regret nothing, I'm just tired of the abuse and threats.

'Wake up, sleeper,' she wrote with an emoji of a sheep.