Duke of Cambridge's former aide Simon Case, 41, 'is set to be installed as new head of the civil service' tomorrow as Boris Johnson shakes up Whitehall

A former private secretary to the Duke of Cambridge is set to be the next head of the civil service, it emerged today.

Simon Case, drafted in by Boris Johnson to be the top aide at No10 earlier this year, is expected to be unveiled as Cabinet Secretary tomorrow.

The appointment of the 41-year-old, reported by the Financial Times, represents the latest stage in the dramatic shake-up of Whitehall.

Sir Mark Sedwill previously stepped down from the post with a £250,000 package after apparent clashes with maverick adviser Dominic Cummings.  

Mr Case spent almost two years working as William's right-hand man before temporarily moving to Number 10 earlier this year to assist with the coronavirus response.

Simon Case

Simon Case (pictured last year when he was private secretary to the Duke of Cambridge) is expected to be announced as the new head of the civil service tomorrow

The appointment of the 41-year-old would represent the latest stage in the dramatic shake-up of Whitehall by Boris Johnson

The appointment of the 41-year-old would represent the latest stage in the dramatic shake-up of Whitehall by Boris Johnson

There had been speculation that a longer-serving official, such as Department of Health permanent secretary Chris Wormald, might get the top job. 

The senior mandarin at the Trade Department, Antonia Romeo, had also been widely tipped.  

However, Mr Case seems to have been given the nod. No10 source insisted the process had been handled by First Civil Service Commissioner Ian Whatmore.

Cabinet Office spokesman said: 'An official announcement on the new Cabinet Secretary will be made on Tuesday 1 September.'

In June there were reports Mr Cummings told political aides a “hard rain is coming” in Whitehall, suggesting the Cabinet Office needed radical overhaul.

A series of mandarins have departed during the drive for change. 

The recruitment of Mr Case as the permanent secretary at No10 was seen as sealing the fate of Sir Mark.

Downing Street had not had its own permanent secretary for eight years - since former Cabinet Secretary Jeremy Heywood gave up the title.

Mr Case previously worked on the Brexit negotiations, and is well-regarded within the PM's close circle.

It was he, rather than Sir Mark, who was tasked with carrying out the review into the two-metre social distancing rule that resulted in it being downgraded to 'one metre plus'. 

Sir Mark Sedwill previously stepped down from the post with a huge pay-off after apparent clashes with maverick adviser Dominic Cummings

Sir Mark Sedwill previously stepped down from the post with a huge pay-off after apparent clashes with maverick adviser Dominic Cummings