'**** was here': Teen sex-attackers 'wrote crude messages on Audrie Pott's naked body

Three teenage boys wrote on the naked, unconscious body of Audrie Pott following her alleged sexual assault, a police report claims.

It says three 16-year-old boys stripped the 15-year-old after she passed out drunk and drew on on her bare breasts with a black marker pen - including the words '[Name of boy] was here'.

Other humiliating messages and arrows were daubed across her body by the three Saratoga High School football players.

They then photographed her before showing the images off around school, it is alleged.

The report obtained by the San Jose Mercury News reveals one of the boys is also charged with touching her sexually.

Audrie and a group of high school friends who she had known since Junior High were at an unsupervised party on Labor Day last year.

Pott hanged herself on September 10 just days after the alleged sexual assault. She didn't tell her parents what had happened but they later discovered she was humiliated by the images allegedly being passed around school.

Facebook messages she sent in the days before her suicide revealed she was ashamed and embarrassed and felt 'her life was over' because of the incident.

She wrote: 'My life is ruined by a night I don't even remember'.

She had allegedly seen students gathered around looking at a cell phone containing the pictures.

The three unidentified boys were arrested last week after a seven-month investigation by Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department.

They are each being held in juvenile hall on suspicion of two felonies and a misdemeanor involving sexual battery and the dissemination of child pornography.

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Larry Pott, father of Audrie Pott who committed suicide after she was sexually assaulted, reads a statement as Sheila Pott, left, Audrie's mother, looks on

The family said Monday the three 16-year-old boys responsible for Audrie Pott's rape were sober when the assault happened

Emotional: Sheila Pott made an emotional speech about her daughter

Audrie Pott's family to sue alleged rapists

Audrie's shocking case emerges just weeks after strikingly similar offenses in the Steubenville rape case rocked the country.

Yesterday Audrie's parents - mother Sheila, father Larry and stepmother Lisa held a press conference to launch a wrongful death suit against the boys and their families.

They also want to campaign for resources to cut down on cyber-bullying and get tougher laws on sexual assault in California.

Sheila Pott bravely spoke about her teenage daughter at the event as she called for an end to the 'epidemic of sexual assault and cyber-bullying' plaguing the country.

'These boys weren't strangers - these were her friends. That breach of trust would be difficult for an adult to deal with - least of all a young girl. There was no remorse here.'

She spoke about how her beautiful and confident daughter's life was worn down by relentless cyber-bullying which followed her alleged assault.

Sheila Pott today said there 'wasn't an hour when she wasn't warmed by a memory of her daughter'.

The Pott family wants to speak to each of the 10 teenagers who allegedly saw photo's of their daughter's assault

Sheila Pott said there 'wasn't an hour when she wasn't warmed by a memory of her daughter'

She re-lived the heart-breaking moment her daughter called from school to say she couldn't cope with the bullying anymore and she wanted to picked up.

Hours later she was found dead in their Los Altos home

Mrs Pott said there was no doubt in her mind that her daughter was driven to suicide.

‘This was a sexual assault strikingly similar to the Steubenville rape case,’ she said.

Audrie’s father Larry also spoke.

Crying he said: ‘She filled our house and family with laughter. She was sweet and she was kind – she’s missed every day.’

‘We hope that in some small way Audrie's story and death can help others. Help this epidemic of sexual assault, distributing photos and cyber-bullying to stop.’

Audrie Pott's step-mother, Lisa, read private Facebook messages Audrie sent after the alleged attack, found by her parents after her death.

‘My life is ruined...I am in hell...The whole school knows...My life is over,’ they said.

All three pleaded with anyone with information to come forward and help their case.

They also said the lawsuit would name the parents who hosted the party where the high-school students were left unattended.

About 10 or 15 teens attended the gathering where they drank hard liquor mixed with Gatorade.

Cruel twist: Pott (right), a popular girl and gifted artist and musician, found out that pictures of her assault were circulating online and among her classmates

Signs of trouble: In the days after the incident, the popular teen wrote on her Facebook page: 'The whole school knows...My life is ruined'

The parents said they have been advised by the district attorney not to look at the photographs but said they will be used in evidence.

Lawyers representing the three suspects released a statement claiming that Audrie's suicide had nothing to do with their clients.

'Much of what has been reported over the last several days is inaccurate. Most disturbing is the attempt to link Audrey’s suicide to the specific actions of these three boys,' read the statement signed by Eric. S. Geffon, Alan M. Lagod, Benajmin W. Williams.

During a memorial at Saratoga High School held days after Pott’s suicide, hundreds of students and staff wore teal, which was the girls’ favorite color.

Friends remembered her as a creative girl who was always doodling during class. Audrie was also a gifted pianist and violinist, loved horses and played soccer on the school team.

Family videos of Audrie show a bright, cheerful girl standing on a cantering horse, boogie boarding at the beach, playing her violin and singing.

Interviewed for her high school newspaper Saratoga Falcon when she started as a freshman in 2011, Audrie was optimistic and said she was looking forward to playing on the soccer team.

Classmates: Pott attended Saratoga High School along with two of her alleged attackers

‘I'm really excited to meet new people; there are a lot more people in high school than in middle school,’ she said. ‘However, I'm not looking forward to all the extra homework. Another thing I'm really excited about is that in high school, the dances seem so much more fun.’

After the girl’s 2012 suicide, her relatives created the Audrie Pott Foundation providing Art and Music scholarships to Students in the San Francisco Bay Area.

'She was compassionate about life, her friends, her family, and would never do anything to harm anyone,' the site said.

'She was in the process of developing the ability to cope with the cruelty of this world but had not quite figured it all out.

'Ultimately, she had not yet acquired the antibiotics to deal with the challenges present for teens in today's society.'

The parents launched their campaign just weeks after 17-year-old Rehtaeh Parsons committed suicide after being allegedly raped.

Creative: Pott was remembered by her friends as an artist and musician who loved the color teal

Like in Audrie's case, the accused are also alleged to have taken pictures of the rape and circulated them around school.

The girl's parents say the once-popular and confident teen became the target of relentless bullying and name-calling, which continued even after her death.

Mrs Potts said today that she had heard of Rehtaeh’s case and she thought it was equally outrageous.

‘Her case shows that kind assault doesn’t go away – it stays with you forever. If there is anything we can do which will help bring justice to her and that family I would be absolutely delighted,’ she said.

The Potts revealed the three boys arrested in Audrie's case were suspended from the school football team when the family reported their suspicions.

The family’s lawyer Robert Allard said they would be pursuing why the school didn't exclude them altogether.

Paying it forward: After the girl¿s 2012 suicide, her relatives created the Audrie Pott Foundation providing Art and music scholarships to students in the San Francisco Bay Area

Tragic: Rehtaeh Parsons, 17, has killed herself after allegedly being gang-raped and then bullied