These meerkats look like a real handful... but aren't they so cute!

These adorable baby meerkats will never be short of love as they effectively have nine parents tending to their every need.

The four pups have excited zoo staff watching their every move as they are the first Kalahari desert natives to be born in Tasmania.

Their mother gave birth in a specially built burrow at Richmond's Zoodoo Wildlife Park two weeks ago.

Cute and cuddly: These four adorable meerkat pups were born at a zoo in Tasmania two weeks go

Unprecendented: The two-week-old pups are the first Kalahari desert natives to be born in Tasmania

But since then the other eight adults in the colony have also been involved in the baby care and have been grabbing them by the scruff of the necks to take them outside for some sun.

Zoodoo owner Trevor Cuttriss said: 'They're a very tight knit family - they all care for them.'

The new arrivals will spend most of the next few weeks below ground before venturing out by themselves into the big wide world, according to The Mercury.

Tiny: Their mother gave birth in a specially built burrow at Richmond's Zoodoo Wildlife Park two weeks ago

Fragile: The new arrivals will spend most of the next few weeks below ground before venturing out by themselves into the big wide world

Meerkats are part of the mongoose family and live in large families in burrows in the desert.

They work as a team with some standing on their hind legs keeping look-out, thereby allowing the others to forage and dig.

They are one of the 66 viverrid species, a widespread and diverse family of carnivores that includes the civets and mongooses and come from central and south Africa.