The northern sandwich - sliced up by Scotland and the south

Alex Salmond has been a-wooing in Newcastle this week but his calls for northern solidarity with Scotland may be as dangerous as the Sirens' song. Ed Jacobs reflects
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Alex Salmond. Beware Scots bringing honeyed words? Photograph: Andrew Milligan/PA

At the beginning of the year, just as David Cameron fired the starting gun on the process leading to a referendum on Scottish independence in 2014, Jim Smith, Liberal Democrat county councillor for Berwick East and vice chairman of Northumberland county council, wrote for the Guardian Northerner.

He described how half of England's most northerly town would support Scotland going it alone, not least to stop Scottish MPs voting on English issues and to bring to an end what he described as

the dreaded Barnett formula which grants the Scots £1,500 per head more than the residents in Berwick - amounting to an annual subsidy of £4.5 billion.

Faced with such suspicion, Scotland's First Minister, Alex Salmond this week sought to woo the north of England, going behind what amounts in electoral terms to enemy lines.

Addressing the North East Economic forum in Newcastle on Tuesday, Salmond, one of the most skilled political operators of our generation, sought to use the issue of High Speed Rail to entice the north to work in partnership with Scotland. Declaring that "Scotland and the North East have strong economies which could be stronger with better links to each other" he explained:

The current proposals for high speed rail are promoted as being for a 'UK network' – but we know it is no such thing. Neither Edinburgh nor Newcastle, Glasgow nor Liverpool feature in the Department for Transport's proposals for this link and it is clear there is no urgency from the South East to recognise this gaping need.

Scotland and the North East have strong economies which could be stronger with better links to each other and a well developed, efficient and resilient rail network provides our businesses with the certainty they need to invest, and supports the strong bonds we have.

Which is why we need an urgent review of the current high speed rail plans to ensure it can be delivered faster - and beyond Birmingham.

Issuing an invitation to the north to work with the Scottish Government to "urge high speed rail be delivered in the north as soon as possible and ensure we are linked jointly for our economic benefit" he issued a rallying cry:

It is critical that we do not allow our needs to be shelved in favour of a south-centric project which will leave the north of these islands cut off from the rest of Europe.

These are pleasant words to warm the cockles of our northern hearts, but would an independent Scotland really be as good for Northern England as the SNP leader suggests?

Not so accordingly to IPPR North, which, in a publication out this week paints a picture of what could best be described as a northern sandwich, caught between a Scotland with greater economic powers and a south which is attracting so much more investment. Just one glance at this week's employment statistics give an indication as to the economic difficulties of the north, and in particular the north east, trailing way behind Scotland and the south. Hartlepool. Missed out to Ediburgh on jobs. Photograph: Alamy

At the risk of frightening the region, IPPR North reminds readers that under the current devolution settlement in which the Scottish Government has limited economic powers, the renewables manufacturer Gamesa chose to establish a new wind turbine factory in Edinburgh rather than Hartlepool whilst Amazon opted to create 900 new jobs north of the border rather than on North Tyneside. Imagine what could happen if Scotland had full fiscal and economic powers to attract investment such as lowering corporation tax. What would that do for the prospects of business investment in the north?

But all is not lost. IPPR North also provides a prescription to address the dangers that an independent Scotland would pose for northern England, including:

Northern leaders should be more actively involved with the debate around Scotland's future, whether that's around independence or so called 'Devo Max', to shape whatever decisions are eventually made and ensure that the region's interests are well protected.

The report also states:

The north needs the tools to attract potential investors and to grow a vibrant and thriving economy in order to level the playing field a little with Scotland. Rule from the centre is failing to deliver this: northern economic potential is not being capitalised upon, while investment continues to be sucked towards the Greater South East.

And finally, the north needs, in my words rather than the IPPR's, an Alex Salmond-type figure, given that, as the report explains:

while London has its mayor and assembly and Scotland its parliament and First Minister, northern city regions have under-resourced – and in some cases weak – partnership arrangements that are expected to drive economic growth and development.

The prospects of a either an independent Scotland or one with much greater autonomy under 'Devo-Max' might perhaps be an ideal time to revive consideration of regional government and city region Mayors to provide the counterbalance to Alex Slamond and Boris Johnson that the region is crying out for. Easter pilgrims in Berwick-upon-Tweed. Should the town look north or south? Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

While half of the people of Berwick may, in Coun Jim Smith's view support Scottish independence, and for all the love-bombing Alex Salmond is launching on the north, IPPR's report gives a clear warning that the northern sandwich of a region stuck between a resurgent Scotland and a southern powerhouse would in all likelihood be exacerbated. As the Conservative elected Mayor of North Tyneside Linda Arkley warned last year:

We just cannot compete with the grants on offer from Scotland, let alone tax incentives. If something isn't done to make it a level playing field, it will be very bad for the North East.

What do you think? Would an independent Scotland be good or bad for Northern England?

Ed Jacobs is a political consultant at the Leeds based Public Affairs Company and devolution correspondent for the centre-left political and policy blog, Left Foot Forward.