Smirking Mitchell Dean doused a pal in petrol

Smirking Mitchell Dean doused a pal in petrol and turned him into a human fireball, a court heard.
Victim David Chaplin, 21, suffered extensive injuries and lost parts of his fingers in the ordeal. Dean, 22, obsessed with fire and witchcraft, will spend the rest of his life detained in a mental health hospital under a 'restricted order'.
He poured petrol over him and set him alight before calmly walking away after David spurned his advances.
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Victim David Chaplin, 21, suffered extensive injuries and lost parts of his fingers in the attack by former friend Mitchell Dean
Victim David Chaplin, 21, suffered extensive injuries and lost parts of his fingers in the attack by former friend Mitchell Dean
David, now 21, was left with horrific life-changing injuries following the shocking attack, which can only now be reported in full.
The case was heard over 10 days at Basildon Crown Court, Essex, in April last year but could not be revealed due to reporting restrictions.
Dean doused his friend in petrol before setting him alight, leaving David with extensive scarring to his face, back, arms, head and chest and scores of other injuries including the loss of an ear and the use of parts of his fingers on his right hand.
Six days after carrying out that heinous crime, Dean, who had fled to Leicester, walked into the beer garden of a gay bar and poured petrol over part-time model Russell Banks, then 21, and Robert Laszewsk, 20, before setting them alight.
Sentencing Dean yesterday Judge David Owen-Jones said: 'The physical and psychological effect on these young men has been enormous.
'Their lives have been shattered at a very young age. They were three men who had so much to look forward to in life.
'Their courage and determination in facing the difficulties that have happened to them is remarkable and, if I may say so, inspirational.'
Vicious: Mitchell Dean, 22, was sent to a mental hospital indefinitely after he admitted two counts of grievous bodily harm
Vicious: Mitchell Dean (left), 22, was sent to a mental hospital indefinitely after he admitted two counts of grievous bodily harm. David (right) was left with horrific life-changing injuries following the attack.
David was described as a 'human fireball' by neighbours in Roodegate, Basildon, who saw him run into the street for help after being attacked by Dean in the early hours of October 19, 2011.
The pair had been friends for about three-and-a-half years, but during that time Dean of Ford Close, Laindon, had become increasingly obsessed by fire, demons, spells and the devil.
He would regularly go to fields in Billericay, Basildon and Langdon Hills where he would arrange sticks and wood into shapes, before setting light to them and chanting the devil's name. Dean bizarrely referred to the practice as 'art'.
In the days running up to the horror attack, jurors at Basildon Crown Court heard how Dean had begun talking about sacrificing animals by setting them ablaze.
Pictured before the attack David, pictured with his father Barry, had been friends with Dean for more than three years
Two years later, and with Dean facing a life sentence, David has described the moment he was attacked
His obsession with fire then took a sinister twist when he decided to punish David by setting him alight when he rejected his advances after a night of drinking alcohol.
David told his friend he was not gay and not interested, but Dean used petrol he had bought earlier that evening from the BP garage at the Fortune of War roundabout in Laindon to take his revenge.
While David had his back turned, Dean crept up behind him and poured petrol over the back of his head and set him alight.
Russell Banks, another victim of Mitchell Dean, was badly injured after he was set alight as he sat in a pub
Russell Banks, another victim of Mitchell Dean, was badly injured after he was set alight in a pub
During the trial, prosecuting Anthony Abell told the court: 'He could see he was being set alight and that it was the defendant, there was no-one else in the flat other than the two of them.
'He could see the defendant walking away and he remembers had had a smirk on his face.'
Following the attack, which happened at just after 1am, David ran into the street.
One of his neighbours gave him a wet towel to put on his burning skin as the flames were so hot they had already melted his t-shirt.
Desperate and panicking, David ran to the nearby police station to get help and immediately told a female officer that Mitchell Dean had set fire to him.
The blaze had spread to the bedroom of his flat and to the upstairs flat causing David's neighbour, Henry Pullman, a man in his eighties, to suffer smoke inhalation.
Dean denied three charges - causing grievous bodily harm with intent, arson with intent to endanger life and a third charge of recklessly endangering life through arson, but was found guilty by a jury in less than two hours.
He later admitted two counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent in connection to the Leicester offences.
During Dean's sentencing yesterday, the court heard he was initially held in prison during the trial but was later transferred to the mental health unit at Brockfield House on the site of the former Runwell Hospital.
He has since been diagnosed a paranoid schizophrenic.


 David Chaplin says his body became a 'wall of flames' after he was set alight by former friend Mitchell Dean
David, now 21, also watched Dean 'smirk' as he left him to burn after dousing him in petrol in the horrific attack.
Recalling the attack, David said: 'I felt him pour something on me and I could smell it was petrol, but I couldn't react. The next thing was I was just a wall of flames.'
'I saw him standing around the corner from me. He had an angry grin on his face, like a smirk.'
David - who was 19 at the time of the attack - was left with devastating injuries and can no longer carry out basic everyday tasks, such as opening a tube of toothpaste, because he lost large parts of all of his fingers.
He has undergone six skin graft operations and relies on carers every day and still regularly visits the specialist burns unit at Chelmsford's Broomfield hospital as part of his ongoing treatment.
He wears a hat to hide some of the injuries to his face and ears and is waiting for an operation on his hands which would allow him more movement of what is remaining of his fingers.
Back in April last year he bravely took the stand at Basildon Crown Court to give his account of the night his life was ruined.
Supported by friends and relatives in the public gallery, David gave evidence behind screens to avoid having to see the face of the evil man and former friend who savagely set fire to him.
He added: 'I'm coming to terms with what has happened to me, I'm lucky to be alive and I'm trying to be positive.'
Shock: A security camera films Mitchell Dean, with a bottle of lighter fluid in his right hand (circled) calmly strolling past the pub
Shock: A security camera films Mitchell Dean, with a bottle of lighter fluid in his right hand (circled) calmly strolling past the pub during the second attack

Flames: Dean, 22, is engulfed in flames moments after setting fire to two barmen in the Rainbow and Dove pub in Leicester city centre
Flames: Dean, 22, is engulfed in flames moments after setting fire to two barmen in the Rainbow and Dove pub in Leicester city centre
Fireball: Split seconds after Dean throws a lit match at his two victims some of the lighter fluid which spilt on him catches light
Fireball: Split seconds after Dean throws a lit match at his two victims some of the lighter fluid which spilt on him catches light

Trauma: Russell Banks before the horrific arson attack
Burns victim Russell Banks after the horrific attack
Trauma: Russell Banks before and after the horrific attack which has left him scarred for life

Horrific: Male model Russell Banks, pictured, spent three weeks in intensive care and suffered devastating burns following the unprovoked attack
Horrific: Male model Russell Banks, pictured, spent three weeks in intensive care and suffered devastating burns following the unprovoked attack
Scarred for life: Male model Russell Banks has been left with serious scarring after the horrific attack, last year
Scarred for life: Part-time male model Russell Banks has been left with serious scarring after the horrific attack, last year

Maimed: Russell Banks shows the horrific burns he sustained to his arms following the unprovoked attack
Maimed: Russell Banks shows the horrific burns he sustained to his arms following the unprovoked attack