Ouch that's gotta hurt! Toronto Mayor Rob Ford drops the F-bomb

Portly Toronto Mayor Rob Ford bruised more than just his ego when he managed to walk face first into a TV news camera on Monday.

Being surrounded by TV cameras is an occupational hazard for any busy official, but that didn’t stop Ford from walking straight into one as rushed out of a meeting at city hall.

‘Ah f*** man. Holy Christ!’ exclaimed the gaffe-prone official as he rubbed his face after the run-in. ‘Holy. Guys have some respect, you just hit me in the face with a camera.’

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has a reputation for walking quickly and forcing the media to chase him in order to ask him questions

As Ford walks down the corridor his eyes are looking down at the ground and he can't see what is coming up in front of him

Security guards quickly whisked Ford through a side door and away from the media.

‘He's a little sore but he'll be okay,’ Ford's press secretary George Christopoulos told the Toronto Sun.

Ford has a reputation for walking quickly and forcing the media to chase him in order to ask him questions.

Before his crash, Ford was commenting on the ongoing executive committee meeting on a casino.

'There are people that are for it, there are people that are against it - that's why we're having (this meeting). Excuse me guys,' he said, just before getting knocked in the face.

Ford was elected mayor in 2010 and has often been in the news since.

Being surrounded by TV cameras is an occupational hazard for any busy official, but that didn't stop Ford from making himself look silly on Monday

Buff! The Mayor's face take the full brunt of his run-in with the TV camera

In November 2012, he was found to have violated Ontario's municipal conflict of interest law and ordered removed from office.

He appealed the ruling and the judgement was overturned, allowing him to remain in office.

Controversies involving Ford include accusations he made obscene gestures at residents from his car, published pictures of him reading while driving on the highway and high profile altercations with a Toronto Transit worker and a Toronto Star reporter.

Dazed and confused: Security guards quickly whisked Ford through a side door and away from the media