Northern press gives cautious response to Leveson deal

The Guardian Northerner's political commentor Ed Jacobs checks out regional reaction to the nocturnal deals down south
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Leveson hails from Liverpool. Why shouldn't the new regulator be based there? Or in Salford? Photograph: Don Mcphee

In the early hours of yesterday morning, Cabinet Office minister Oliver Letwin, deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and Labour's Leader Ed Miliband came out of the latter's office with a deal on press regulation.

Following a weekend in which a deal between the parties was on, then off, then back on again, the end result saw everyone crowing about victory. David Cameron thought that the others had agreed with him over the use of a Royal Charter. Miliband and Clegg concluded that the need for legislative changes meant they had won the day.

Whatever the truth of such bombast, there is no doubt that the decisions taken as the candles guttered will have a profound effect on the health of our democracy. If the new system works properly, we should get a much better press based on genuine investigation rather than on gossip, rumour and underhand tactics in the pursuit of a juicy story. If it fails, we could live to regret the 18 March 2013, just a couple of days after the notorious Ides.

The national papers have been full of reaction - what is more delightful than being able to talk about ourselves? - and in the real world of northern England, our regional publications have been taking just as much interest. In the gloomy context of falling sales of local papers, Lord Justice Leveson made it clear that future regulations must support them, given the important role they play in local political and civic life. As he said of local and regional titles:

Their demise would be a huge setback for communities (where they report on local politics, occurrences in the local courts, local events, local sports and the like) and would be a real loss for our democracy. Although accuracy and similar complaints are made against local newspapers, the criticisms of culture, practices and ethics of the press that have been raised in this Inquiry do not affect them: on the contrary, they have been much praised. The problem surrounding their preservation is not within the Terms of Reference of the Inquiry but I am very conscious of the need to be mindful of their position as I consider the wider picture.

Bearing in mind these glowing words, have our political leaders achieved the kind of system our papers in the north would like to see?

On Merseyside, in pledging to look at the details of the proposals carefully, the Liverpool Echo has been quick to reassure its readers that it will continue to fight for them. The paper's editorial explains:

A political deal has somehow been done on Press regulation, with all sides – somehow – claiming victory.

Some might say it's been one of the Westminster circus's finest balancing acts, but we will only see how good a job the contortionists have done when the new measures are put into practice.

We accept that a compromise has been reached which at least allows everyone to now move forward – but, again, we look forward to seeing how exactly the new regulator will work.

The first and most important thing for us to say is that this new body is being set up by MPs in London following issues created by newspapers in London. As Lord Justice Leveson was quick to point out, regional newspapers do not indulge in sharp practice.

We don't hack phones, we don't hound victims of crime, we don't hound celebrities and we don't rifle through bins.

What we promise to continue to do is hold public servants in high places and public institutions to account, regardless of whatever new regulatory hoops we have to jump through in order to do so. Lord Justice Leveson. Warm words for the regional and local media. Photograph: Reuters

Over the Pennines, the Yorkshire Post offers more than a hint of scepticism. Outlining concerns at what it dubs a fudge, the paper comments:

If laws which placed restrictions on our newspapers were to be introduced, it would raise serious concerns about the potential for politicians and lawmakers to exert a greater influence over what appears in print – with far-reaching implications for this country's tradition of safeguarding freedom of speech and the importance of holding those in authority to account.

There is no question that certain sections of the media have been guilty of some abhorrent practices in their desperate attempts to scoop their rivals – methods which have rightly resulted in criminal charges being brought but which have also unfairly tainted the reputation of the Press in general.

Reiterating that the Yorkshire Post has never engaged in illegal activity, it continues:

While Lord Leveson was quite correct to call for a regulator with more muscle that can impose substantial fines for future misconduct, David Cameron pledged that he would resist the clamour for such measures to be backed by law.

Given that to do so would be to take the first step on the slippery slope toward censorship of the Press, a weapon that has been employed by many a corrupt dictatorship around the globe, he was right to do so. Yet, in his desperation to avoid defeat in the Commons, the Prime Minister has agreed to the element of statutory underpinning called for by Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

The result is that all three sides are now claiming victory, with Mr Cameron insisting that the legal clause inserted in the Royal Charter is there only to ensure that neither politicans nor the Press itself can hinder the new regulatory body's work.

However, this halfway house has all the hallmarks of a fudge – hardly the ideal foundation for a measure which has such far-reaching consequences in terms of democracy and holding officialdom to account.

At the Northern Echo, the editor Peter Barron turns the debate on its head, picking up on growing concerns that within the confines of freedom of speech, councillors themselves are becoming more difficult for the press to hold to account. Conscious of his great predecessor WT Stead, who was imprisoned for buying an under-age prostitute to reveal the iniquities of Victorian London, he writes:

'Freedom of speech' is the buzz phrase in the news this week because of the frantic efforts to draw the Leveson proposals on press regulation to some kind of satisfactory conclusion.

It's ironic really because there's never been a time in my 30 years in journalism when so much effort has gone into restricting free speech.

We've noticed a growing trend amongst councils which don't want our reporters to speak directly to councillors. Yes, that's right, those people directly elected to speak for their communities.

Increasingly, councils would prefer us to restrict our conversations to their press offices so that all comments can be managed - controlled. The inference appears to be that councillors aren't trusted to say the right thing.

This is, of course, completely unacceptable. It will be a very sad day indeed when local newspapers don't have direct relationships with councillors. For the record, our reporters are under instruction to carry on calling councillors in pursuit of information and comment.

Meanwhile, I've also had an instance this week of a councillor telling one of our reporters "put your pen down, girl" when he was speaking at a public meeting.

Again for the record, when politicians - MPs or councillors - speak openly at public forums, they should expect to be quoted. If they don't want to be, they shouldn't speak. That's how it works.