Moment of happiness amid the terror: Two marathon runners marry in Boston

As terror reigned in Boston in the wake of the deadly marathon bombings, one corner of the city was witness to a happier scene.

Marathon runners Robert Watling and Kelli Johnston, both 38, married in a city park less than four hours after completing the race, as ambulances continued to speed to and from the scene of the double explosion at the finish line nearby.

The bride and groom, who both wore trainers and their marathon medals as they exchanged vows yesterday, refused to let the devastating bombings prevent their wedding from going ahead.

Undeterred: Marathon runners Kelli Johnston and Robert Watling went ahead with their wedding ceremony in Boston just hours after twin explosions brought chaos to the city

Vows: Ms Johnston posted this message on her Facebook page after the ceremony

The bride announced on Facebook that the wedding had gone ahead, adding: 'My heart goes out to all of those killed and hurt here today on [sic] Boston.'

Her post also said: 'Robert Allan Watling and I successfully completed the marathon before the bombings and just got married in the park!! Champagne for all!'

The devoted runners - who ran a 5K together on their first date - had been planning the ceremony since Mr Watling popped the question after they completed the Chicago Marathon.

In keeping with the theme, they decided to marry in picturesque Boston Common after finishing the Boston Marathon.

Sporting: The bride teamed her traditional white dress with a pair of trainers, and both wore their marathon medals

Ceremony: Runners Kelli Johnston and Robert Watling exchanged vows in Boston just hours after the bomb blasts went off yesterday afternoon

Bride and groom: The devoted runners went ahead with their ceremony despite the chaotic scenes in the city in the wake of the explosions

Ms Johnston and Mr Watling had both crossed the finish line before the bombs went off 12 seconds apart on Boylston Street at around 2.50pm.

The blasts claimed the lives of three people, including eight-year-old Martin Richard, and left 144 injured. Of those injured, 17 remain in a critical condition.

Despite the scenes of carnage, the couple opted to go ahead with their low-key ceremony at 6.20pm in the park.

They were watched by a small gathering of family members, a report on BuzzFeed said.

Defiance: Runners Robert Watling and Kelli Johnston wed in a city park less than four hours after completing the race, which was hit by two deadly bomb blasts seconds apart

Tribute: The bride paid tribute to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings as she announced that the wedding had taken place on Facebook

s Johnston said before the race that people thought they were 'crazy' to get married straight after running a marathon.

She told last week: 'Some people are like "surely you're going to shower are you?", others are like "are you getting married right at the finish line?"

'And then you have others who say "you people are crazy".'

Mr Watling had the engagement ring with him as he ran the Chicago Marathon, but waited until a few hours after the race to propose on the advice of friends.

'A few of my friends strongly recommended that I wait until later that evening, as females like to look their best in that moment,' he said last week.

The U.S. remains on full alert today following the worst terrorist outrage since the World Trade Centre towers were destroyed by hijacked planes on September 11 2001.

President Barack Obama has vowed that those responsible for the devastating scenes in Boston would 'feel the full weight of justice'.

Devastation: The bombs went off seconds apart close to the finish line of the Boston Marathon at around 2.50pm yesterday