Lorry driver involved in crash which killed four family members including a baby

A lorry driver will not be charged over a car crash which killed four members of the same family after he suffered a coughing fit which caused him to lose consciousness, the Crown Prosecution Service said.

The horrific crash between a truck and a Renault Megane Scenic happened between Seaham, County Durham, and Houghton-le-Spring.

The car driver, 75-year-old Robert Reed and his wife Margaret, 74, from Houghton-le-Spring, 18-year-old Natalie Simpson, who was the partner of their grandson, and her 14-month-old daughter Destiny, from Fencehouses, suffered fatal injuries in the crash last April.

The trucker was told by Durham Police today he will not face any charges.

The CPS explained medical tests showed he had recently had whooping cough infection, and that his blood pressure dropped when he coughed.

Paul Lee, Crown advocate for CPS North East said: 'I would like to extend our deepest sympathies to the families of those involved in this tragic incident, but I would hope that our decision brings some measure of closure to them.

'Immediately following the collision, the driver in this case gave an account that he had experienced a coughing fit which had caused him to suddenly lose consciousness.

'This type of event is known medically as ‘cough syncope’.

'Following the collision the driver was taken to Sunderland Royal Infirmary, where he was examined by a doctor.

He added: 'A series of tests were conducted that showed that he had recently been subject to a whooping cough infection.

Wreckage: Four members of the same family, including a 14-month-old girl died in the crash in County Durham last year

'The tests also showed that the driver’s blood pressure dropped to low levels during a coughing fit, which could have caused him to lose consciousness.

'The doctor stated at that time that the results were consistent with a diagnosis of ‘cough syncope due to acute whooping cough infection’.

'The CPS engaged the services of two further independent medical professionals, one of whom was an expert in syncope, to scrutinise the initial diagnosis made.

'Given that no evidence could be found to establish an alternative version of events, the case did not pass the evidential stage of the full code test and a prosecution will not now be brought against the driver of the lorry.'

The trucker was arrested after the crash on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving.

After the crash his lorry smashed through a hedge, went up a hill and finished up on a fairway of the golf course.

Carnage: The car was devastated by the lorry's impact in the crash in County Durham

Mrs Reed was not killed outright but died from her injuries at the James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, without regaining consciousness.

The lorry driver was re-bailed several times while inquiries were carried out into the crash.

The bereaved family were informed of the decision not to charge the driver yesterday.

Senior investigating officer inspector Ed Turner said: 'This has been a lengthy and at times complex process, which must have been very distressing for all those concerned.

'I am grateful for their patience during the last twelve months.

'The CPS considered all the relevant evidence including expert medical opinion on issues which came to light during our investigations.

'We will now conclude our inquiries on behalf of the coroner and an inquest will be arranged in due course.'

It appeared the Volvo truck ruptured its fuel tank after going over the top of the people carrier, a witness said in the aftermath of the collision.

Speaking after the tragedy last year, Sharpley Golf Course owner Simon Weightman said there had been several bad crashes on the stretch of road.

He said at the time: 'I suddenly saw a lorry in the middle of the fairway. Then I saw a person get out and collapse on the ground.'

Accident: The impact of the collision in County Durham forced the truck onto a golf course

'Some golfers playing that hole turned out to be detectives and they were very quickly on the scene of the crash.

'The bang was so loud I thought it must have been a head-on collision.

'The lorry’s fuel tank was ruptured as if the lorry had gone over the car.

'I got a quick glimpse of the car but it was very traumatic to see it.'

'Golfers who saw it came off the course. They could clearly see it was awful.'