London Marathon to hold 30-second silence to honour Boston bomb victims

Runners and spectators at the London Marathon will be asked to hold a 30-second silence in tribute to the victims of the Boston bombing attacks.

Organisers said the event will go ahead as planned despite heightened security fears following yesterday's explosions in the U.S. which claimed three lives and injured more than 140 others.

Palace sources also confirmed that Prince Harry has no plans to cancel his long-standing commitment to a public appearance at Sunday's race.

And as a show of solidarity to all those affected in Boston, runners are being encouraged to wear black ribbons while taking part.

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Attending: Palace sources confirmed that the third in line to the throne Prince Harry has no plans to cancel the long-standing engagement despite increased security fears following the U.S. bombings

Blast: In the hours after the Boston attack (pictured) the London race's chief executive Nick Bitel confirmed that Sunday's events will go ahead

Organisers announced this afternoon there will be a period of silence lasting 30 seconds prior to the start of the elite men’s race and mass start.

It will be observed on all three London Marathon starts (red, blue and green) and will be signalled by a whistle at both the start and finish of the 30 seconds.

Race director Hugh Brasher said: 'We want to show our support for our friends and colleagues in Boston at this difficult time for the global running community.

'We are determined to deliver an amazing event that will focus on one of the core pillars of the London Marathon, which is ‘to have fun and provide some happiness and a sense of achievement in a troubled world.’"

London police authorities said they would lay on extra security measures to ensure the event is as safe for participants and spectators as possible.

Prince Harry is patron of the London Marathon Charitable Trust and will make the presentations to the winners of the mini marathon, the elite men and women and the wheelchair IPC Athletic Marathon World Cup races.

He will also meet a selection of volunteers involved with the administration of the 2013 Virgin London Marathon and members of the St. John Ambulance. An aide told MailOnline today: 'We are not aware of any change to his plans.'

It is likely, however, that the prince's team of bodyguards from Scotland Yard's crack SO14 diplomatic and royalty protection unit will be dramatically stepping up the security around him.

Harry is already guarded by a team of armed protection officers plus back-up but it is certain the number of armed officers will be increased.

Security sources said it would be 'unthinkable' for the prince to cancel his appearance at the marathon on Sunday unless intelligence was received to suggest there was a direct threat to either the event or the prince himself.

'The motto is always business as usual. It's very important that message is given out,' they said.

Yesterday’s horror unfolded just six days before thousands of athletes and fundraisers will take to the streets of the capital for the London Marathon on Sunday.

As pressure was heaped on authorities to safeguard the safety and security of those taking part in the event, runners vowed that they would still take part in defiance of the U.S. attack.

Susanna Reid, the BBC Breakfast presenter who is running in the London Marathon, said: 'I ran the London Marathon last year.

Horror: Two bombs exploded near the crowded finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, killing two people and injuring dozens others in a terrifying scene of broken glass, smoke and severed limbs, authorities said

Competitor: Susanna Reid, the BBC Breakfast presenter who is running in the London Marathon, said there is 'going to be definitely a different atmosphere about it'. She is pictured ahead of the race last year

'You have such a sense of community with everybody else running and I think that is going to be so reinforced this Sunday. There is going to be definitely a different atmosphere about it.'

An internet campaign began this afternoon to persuade runners in the London Marathon to put their hands over their hearts as they cross the finish line in tribute to the victims of the Boston attacks.

Organised by Londoner Lucy Fraser-Macnamara, Twitter users were encouraged to use the hashtag #handsoverhearts to spread the word of the runners' tribute.

Runners in this weekend's London marathon are being asked to cross the finishing line with their hands over their hearts in tribute to those affected by the Boston bombs

Charity worker Miss Fraser-Macnamara, 27, from Clapham, told MailOnline she was wondering how participants in Sunday's marathon could show their compassion for those affected by yesterday's bombs.

She said: 'It's not a huge gesture but it will show the love, compassion and camaraderie shared by runners across the globe.'

As Sunday's marathon is the next major international road race to take place, the eyes of the world will doubtless be on London and the thousands of police officers deployed on the day will be taking no chances.


Claire Thornton: 'Will now be running the London Marathon not only for @HemiHelp but also all the innocent victims of yesterday's attack. #Pray4Boston'

Nick Hardman: '@LondonMarathon still running the marathon. Won't let these idiots win. We have to do it for those affected #pray4boston'

Giles Fraser: 'Many will be running the London Marathon this Sunday in solidarity with the people of Boston. Tomorrow will find a Red Sox top to run in.'

Bryony Collingwood: 'This Sunday I'll be running the #londonmarathon not only for @BCCare but also for Boston.'

Matt Gilvarry: 'Running the London marathon on Sunday. It's got a different feel to it now. My heart goes out to all the victims in Boston.'

Ines Elvira: 'I'm still running the @LondonMarathon Sunday. I'll be wearing a Boston shirt in honor of all affected yesterday. We can't let fear take over.'

Suzi Gage: 'Thank you to everyone who has sponsored me. London Marathon is going to be a strange one on Sunday I think, but I'm so glad I'm running it.'

The London Marathon passes some of the nation's most recognisable landmarks and organisers said they will assess safety arrangements for the event following the tragic scenes in Boston.

Chief Superintendent Julia Pendry, the event commander, confirmed that security arrangements will be reviewed following the explosions in Massachusetts.

She said: ‘A security plan is in place for the London Marathon. We will be reviewing our security arrangements in partnership with London Marathon.’

Met Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said this afternoon that there would be extra searching and more officers on the beat on Sunday.

He said: 'We will make sure we have got more officers on the streets but there's no reason for people to think they are any less safe than they were before the terrible events in Boston yesterday.'

In the hours after the Boston attack the London race’s chief executive Nick Bitel confirmed that Sunday’s events will go ahead. He told BBC Radio 5 Live: ‘We will not be cancelling the event.’

He said that he contacted police to discuss security arrangements as soon as he heard about bombing in Boston.

In a statement he added: ‘It is a very sad day for athletics and for our friends in marathon running.’

Today, Mr Bitel added: 'We want to reassure our runners, spectators, volunteers and everyone connected with the event that we are doing everything to ensure their safety and that the Virgin London Marathon 2013 will be an outstanding success.'

Fears were also raised for the safety of the 500,000 spectators expected to line the streets of London, and it is thought some of those who were intending to go - or run - may now stay away.

But eyewitness Keith Luxom told BBC Breakfast: 'My plan is very much to run London. This shouldn't be allowed to stop what is one of the greatest events of human good, of the best of people.

'Both the runners, the millions of pounds raised for charity, but also the million or so people who will come out and support total strangers and cheer them on for hours, we can't let that be stopped by absolutely mindless acts.


Map: The London Marathon is the world's largest marathon and attracts half a million spectators each year

'I'll definitely be running. I'll probably be wearing my Boston finishers' shirt to support the people of Boston and to say we'll carry on and we'll carry on running, as I think most runners will.'

Kate McCann, mother of abducted child Madeleine McCann, said she would be running in Sunday's race in aid of the charity Missing People.

She said: 'I feel strongly that you can't live in fear or you do not have a life. So I absolutely will be there and doing my best to get around.'

'What will keep me going is that not only am I running for Madeleine, but every child who is missing, and missed by someone.'


David Lowe, a specialist in security at sports events, said security at the funeral of Lady Thatcher on Wednesday and at the London Marathon would be as ‘tight’ as possible.

‘I think you are going to find a lot of surveillance on the crowds, it is the classic of not those watching the race - those who may be looking around, acting slightly different, slightly more suspicious,’ he told BBC Breakfast.

‘There could be people looking elsewhere for totally different reasons - I can imagine that the security will be stepped up.

‘Of course we have the funeral of Margaret Thatcher tomorrow - you will have people protesting who feel vehemently about her premiership. Again, there will be high security for that because there will be people lining the streets to pay tribute to Margaret Thatcher.

‘We have the two events where we have got to make sure, certainly the security services and the police, have got to make sure it is as tight as possible.'

The London Marathon is the world's largest marathon and attracts half a million spectators each year. The event first ran in 1981, and Sunday's will be the 33rd race.

The flat and fast course, starting in Blackheath and finishing in front of Buckingham Palace, takes in some of the capital's top tourist sights including Tower Bridge, and Canary Wharf - one of the largest single business developments in the world. Runners also pass Big Ben and Parliament Square.

Sports Minister Hugh Robertson insisted he was 'absolutely confident' that the London Marathon could be kept safe.

Asked if he believed it should still go ahead, he told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: 'Yes, I do.

'These are balance of judgments but we are absolutely confident here that we can keep the event safe and secure. I think this is one of those incidents where the best way to show solidarity with Boston is to continue and send a very clear message to those responsible.'

The minister said that while the London event should go on, it would be difficult to make the entire route completely safe.

He said: 'We do have some of the very best security services in the world and they… will do what’s necessary.

'It's difficult [to make the whole 26-mile route secure] but we’ve lived with threat of terrorism throughout my adult life'.

Mo Farah, the double Olympic champion who is due to run a half-marathon on Sunday, retweeted a message from the charitable foundation he set up which said: 'The @FarahFoundation is thinking of all those in Boston today xx.'

A spokesman for Virgin London Marathon [VLM] told MailOnline that Mr Farah was still expected to run, and his agent this afternoon confirmed that he would.

Ricky Simms, of Farah's management company Pace, told the Guardian: 'I can confirm there are no changes to our plans for Mo.

'He will be coming to London.'

Mr Farah is being paid £700,000 for doing a half-marathon this year and a full one in 2014, and his exact route is being kept secret because of security fears.

Great Britain's gold medallist Mo Farah is expected to take part in this weekend's London Marathon- he will run a half-marathon

London Marathon officials said today they were not aware of large numbers of people pulling out in the wake of yesterday's blasts.

UK Athletics chairman Ed Warner said: ‘We have had no indications of that sort. There’s something very emotional about a marathon.

'It goes well beyond the elite runners themselves. It’s wrong to use words like “defiance”; I just think there a collective sadness that something that celebrates human endeavour is besmirched in this way.'

He added: '‘The marathon family, world-wide, is huge and growing and it’s a very friendly one. When you run the Boston Marathon, you feel the history of it. That’s why this terrorist outrage is particularly saddening.

UK Athletics chairman Ed Warner said there were no indications of British athletes pulling out of the London Marathon this weekend
VIDEO London Marathon will go ahead but security will be reviewed

Virgin Marathon chief executive says Londoners will stand strong
‘I’ve very conscious of the work the London Marathon is doing around security. I have spoken to Nick Bitel (the London Marathon chief executive) this morning and I have complete confidence they will do the right thing by the race.’

Britons were today feared to be among the injured after two explosions rocked the Boston Marathon, killing two and injuring at least 23 people.

A list of competitors on the Boston Marathon website showed hundreds of British runners were expected to line up for the race.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: 'We are aware of the incident and we are trying to gather information.'

Foreign Secretary William Hague tweeted: 'Appalled by news of explosion at Boston marathon. My thoughts are with everyone affected by it and all those waiting for news.'

According to the Boston Marathon website, there are more than 25,000 registered entrants, 374 of whom are British. The marathon, first run in 1897, is one of the world’s oldest and is held each year on Patriot’s Day.

Carnage: Dozens of seriously injured people are given urgent medical treatment at the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon following two separate explosions

UK Athletics said that none of their elite runners had taken part and added that Ross Murray, who ran yesterday’s one mile invitational was 'absolutely fine'.

Twenty-two-year-old Murray tweeted: 'Just so everyone knows, I’m ok and well, wasn’t around the bombs. Xx'

'In the hotel, most seem ok but a few seem shaken up, witnessed a few very relieved families meeting up.'

Tatyana McFadden, who won three golds in the London Paralympics, won the women’s wheelchair race and later Tweeted: 'I’m am okay my family and teammates are okay. Please please pray for those who were running and got hit by the bomb. Pray 4 family’s-friends.'


Should Sunday's London Marathon still go ahead after the Boston blasts?
No All polls

Runner Darren Foy, 40, from Southampton, and his wife Sandra and their two children missed the explosions by just 30 minutes after he finished the marathon in three and half hours.

Speaking from the city, the chartered surveyor said: 'We were on our way home when we heard something had happened and I was getting messages like "are you Ok?" which I never get. It’s all quite shocking really.

'We got home and we looked at the BBC online and saw there had been explosions but we are OK because I finished in three and a half hours and we were on the bus when it happened.

'We are staying five miles outside and I’m not intending to go back into the city for a few days.'

Mr Foy, who is chairman of the Lordshill Road Runners in Southampton and was competing in his fourth marathon, added: 'There are reports here that the explosions came from a hotel at the finish line and I walked past there a few days ago to pick up my race number.

Warnings: Security officials say as yet there is no specific or credible threat to the London Marathon

'It’s such a soft target. There are hundreds of thousands spectators on the streets and 27,000 runners, so we got off lightly.'

Jez Hughes, a firefighter from Morley, West Yorkshire, completed the marathon and was walking to the subway with his wife when they heard two explosions.

He had been standing only 100 yards from the finish line with other competitors but walked around the corner to meet his wife.

'It is a very sad day for athletics and for our friends in marathon running'

Nick Bitel, London Marathon chief executive

'I had already finished and a few of us had congregated 100 yards past the finish line,' he said.

'I was waiting for my wife as I had asked her to meet me there but she was in the family area. Fortunately for me I went round the corner there to meet her.

'While we were going to the subway we heard two explosions. I said straight away that sounds like a bomb and then we heard a second one. We were a couple of blocks out of the way so it did not affect us.

Devastation: Medical workers aid injured people Boston Marathon as the rest of the runners are stopped

'This is my tenth marathon but this is my first time in the USA. I’m watching the aftermath on the TV now, which is a bit surreal to be honest.

'My wife is very shook up but we are out here until Thursday evening and no terrorists are going to spoil our day, don’t let them get the better of you.

'A security plan is in place for the London Marathon. We will be reviewing our security arrangements in partnership with London Marathon'

Chief Superintendent Julia Pendry

'Our condolences go out to those who have lost loved ones.'

Since returning to his hotel, Mr Hughes, who was running for The Fire Fighters Charity, said he has been able to contact his two teenage children and reassure them that they are safe.

He said: 'We have been inundated with messages from family and friends asking if we are all right. My daughter Georgia and son Harry are still in the UK.

'She was very upset but I have been able to speak to them and reassure them.'

Security review: Security at the London Marathon, which is one of the biggest events on the sporting calendar, will be review following the Boston bombings

Mayor of London Boris Johnson has spoken to Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe about the possibility of extra security for the London Marathon.

Mr Johnson said: 'The bombings in Boston are shocking, cowardly and horrific, and the thoughts of all Londoners this morning will be with the victims. Boston is a proud city built on history, tradition and a real sense of community.

'These attacks were aimed at its core, at innocent men, women and children enjoying a spring day out at a major sporting event.

'We do have robust security measures in place for Sunday's London Marathon, but given events in Boston it's only prudent for the police and the organisers of Sunday's race to re-examine those security arrangements.'

'The scenes from Boston are shocking and horrific - my thoughts are with all those who have been affected'

Prime Minister David Cameron

Prime Minister David Cameron wrote on Twitter: 'The scenes from Boston are shocking and horrific - my thoughts are with all those who have been affected.'

The Labour leader Ed Miliband wrote on Twitter: 'Appalling news from Boston. All of my thoughts are with the casualties and their families.'

In a city that has already shared the trauma of terror attacks no caution was spared in the run up to London Olympics with both the police and military on high alert throughout.

In 2005 a series of suicide attacks on the underground and on a bus killed 52 people and the government has long termed the threat against the capital as ‘substantial'.

VIDEO: London is ready for Sunday's marathon...

London Mayor and Met commander are ready for capital's marathon

Yesterday’s horror coming ahead of this weekend’s annual fixture offers grim echoes of the dark comedy spoof Four Lions in which the London Marathon becomes the target of a bungled terrorist attack.

But security officials last night emphasised that as yet there is no specific or credible threat against the event.

One official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity said there are no credible or specific threats against the London Marathon but that security may well be stepped up regardless as a result of yesterday’s events. Last year more than 37,000 athletes competed in the race.Paula Radcliffe, the women's marathon world record holder, posted on Twitter: 'Situation looks awful, thoughts with everyone. There are some very sick people out there, who would do something like this?'