'Let's kill them all': Fox News guest Erik Rush 'jokingly'

Conservative columnist and occasional Fox News guest Erik Rush responded to the deadly Boston bombings by casting the blame on Islamic extremists and joking about killing all Muslims.

Rush took to Twitter after a pair of explosions rocked the Boston Marathon at around 3pm Monday, writing: 'Everybody do the National Security Ankle Grabs! Let's bring Saudis in without screening them! C'mon!'

The post came in response to rumors - later denied by the Boston Police Department - that a 20-year-old Saudi Arabian national was under guard at a hospital as a potential suspect in the bombings, UPI reported.

When one Twitter user responded to Rush's tweet by asking him is he is 'already' blaming Muslims for the horrific attack, the WND columnist replied: 'Yes, they're evil. Let's kill them all.'

The message, which was deleted by Rush a short time later, quickly set off a wave of outrage, forcing the right-wing pundit later to tweet that his earlier statement was meant to be sarcastic.

But that did little to silence Rush's critics, who continued flooding Twitter with profanity-laced messages accusing him of Islamophobia.

Backpedal: Rush quickly removed the offending tweet and responded to a critic that his remark about killing all Muslims was made in sarcasm

Public outrage: Incensed Twitter users continued flooding his account with profanity-laced messages accusing him of Islamophobia

Fuel to the fire: Rush remained defiant in the face of his critics, calling them 'apologist vermin' in several tweets

Rush responded to the verbal attacks on him with a series of foul-mouthed tweets.

'Keep 'em coming, muzzie[sic] apologist vermin! I LOVE it!' he wrote.

He later wrote: 'Hypothesis proven [sic]: Libs [liberals] responding to "kill them all" sarcasm neglect fact that their precious Islamists say the same about us EVERY DAY.'

Rush remained defiant in the face of continuing criticism, writing on his Twitter account Tuesday morning that he plans to re-tweet 'the illiterates' worst and most entertaining tweets today for pathos and comic relief...'

Rush is not a paid contributor to Fox News, and he is not employed by the network but is an occasional guest on its shows.

The WND columnist is no stranger to controversy. He is best known for being the first to report on a national level in 2008 about then-candidate Barack Obama's ties to the incendiary preacher Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Two explosions rocked crowded streets near the finish liver of the Boston Marathon Monday, killing at least three people, including an 8-year-old boy, and leaving more than 170 others wounded.

Act of terror: Twin explosions shook the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing at least three people and injuring more than 100 others

Official response: Police investigating the attack were careful to point out that so far, no arrests have been made but they did say they were talking to suspects

Police and federal officials investigating the attack were careful to point out that so far, no arrests have been made but they did say they were talking to suspects.

In an address Monday evening, President Obama told the nation: 'We still don't know who did this or why they did this,' but vowed to find and punish those responsible.