I want a relationship with my dead brother's son but his mother doesn't understand why

haven't seen him in almost eight years and I believe it is important that we get to know each other. How should I go about it?
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The Guardian, Friday 5 April 2013
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I'm shortly going to see my deceased brother's son for the first time since he was four (he will be 12 in July) and the boy's mother for the first time since my brother's funeral five years ago. I really want to develop a relationship with him but I don't know how, and I feel his mother just doesn't see the point of how important it is to me – and to her son – for us to be in each other's lives. The child is by all accounts bright and happy, so this isn't about his upbringing. It's about bringing them into my life without overwhelming her and driving her away. How can I do this sensitively?

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