Elderly inventor faces jail if he is caught swearing in his OWN HOME

A pensioner has been banned from swearing in his own home by a court injunction brought by his landlord.

Patrick Gilmore, 74, could face jail if he swears in his flat and the entire suburb of his home town.

Mr Gilmore claims Erimus Housing has a vendetta against him after he accused them of fraud when his buildings insurance increased.

He said: ‘I have never been in court to be tried on this matter and yet the injunction was granted immediately. I thought you were innocent until proven guilty.’

The Coulby Newham housing estate in Middlesbrough where Patrick Gilmore has been forbidden to swear

The injunction was imposed at Teesside County Court at the request of the social landlord after they claimed Mr Gilmore swore at and abused staff and neighbours.

He also faces a bill of more than £4,000 - despite not having hired his own lawyer - after a judge found he was liable to pay Erimus's legal costs.

Under the terms of the injunction Mr Gilmore is banned from using foul or abusive language within the hearing of anyone else in Coulby Newham housing estate in Middlesbrough, including in his own flat, and forbidden from using such language towards Erimus Housing employees.

The order is in force until March 1 next year.

Mr Gilmore, who has lived in his flat for 34 years, said: ‘Everybody swears if you are provoked enough, as I was.

‘It is not a crime to swear. The action should never have been brought and it is exorbitant.

‘This has stopped me in the last six months working on my inventions which I do.

He admitted being frustrated when he tried to pay his ground rent at an Erimus office which did not accept payments.

Erimus started proceedings against Mr Gilmore under section 153 of the Housing Act 1996, which allows social landlords to deal with anti-social behaviour.

Stewart Tagg, head of neighbourhoods for Erimus Housing, said: ‘Mr Gilmore had been warned on numerous occasions regarding his attitude towards staff and neighbours but continued to display aggressive behaviour and use belittling and abusive language.
 ‘Taking out an injunction against a customer in a situation like this is not common and is always a last resort.

‘We have a duty to protect residents in the community, as well as our staff members and contractors both in our offices and out on site.

‘Our employees and residents have the right to be respected and we will not tolerate this sort of aggressive behaviour.’

District Judge Stapely said: ‘The final hearing never took place because Mr Gilmore didn't comply with directions given by the court.

‘Eventually his right to defend the action was debarred because he failed to comply.’

He ordered that a detailed assessment of costs should take place, but that Mr Gilmore would be liable for the £4,060 legal bill.

After the case Mr Gilmore said he felt he had been bombarded by legal letters and had been confused by them.

He also said he was refused legal aid but was not told until just eight days before the deadline to file court papers.