As Salmond and Cameron battle over TV debates, the pollsters are already winning

Last weekend's SNP spring conference provoked a rash of competing opinion polls from the yes and no camps: by happy coincidence, one polling firm kept both sides sweet
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Scotland's first minister, Alex Salmond, shakes hands with David Cameron during a meeting in Edinburgh Photograph: David Cheskin/AFP/Getty Images

If good lawyers like a nice long legal battle, then the UK's pollsters are enjoying the referendum. This may be one of their richest harvests for a long time. And some polling organisations are already refuelling their combine harvesters.

This weekend, YouGov showed a splendid degree of neutrality and commercial nous by issuing two competing polls for both sides in the referendum battle, the Scottish National party and Better Together, on exactly the same topic: which leaders should debate with whom.

The SNP said its YouGov poll had found that 67% of voters thought Cameron should debate him, while 19% said not.

Its question read:

First minister Alex Salmond has called for a head-to- head television debate with the Prime minister David Cameron during the referendum campaign on Scottish independence, but it has been reported that Mr Cameron will refuse to take part in such a debate. Do you think that David Cameron should or should not take part in a TV debate with Alex Salmond?

Aye but, no but, said Better Together. It released its own YouGov poll with went three points better, showing that 71% of Scots thought Salmond should debate head to head with Alistair Darling, the Better Together chairman and former Labour chancellor. Only 14% said no.

Its question read:

Alistair Darling, the head of the campaign for a vote to stay in the United Kingdom, has called for a televised debate between him and Alex Salmond after the detailed plans for an independent Scotland are published. Mr Salmond has refused to take part in a debate with Mr Darling, saying it would be more appropriate for Mr Darling to debate with Blair Jenkins, the chief of the Yes Scotland campaign.

Do you think Alex Salmond should or should not take part in a televised debate with Alistair Darling?

It added:

Even amongst nationalists, there's 60% support for the debates to take place.

This is both knock-about and serious: both sides know that the likely televised debates - by whichever leaders they finally agree to field - could prove crucial in shaping the referendum debate and voters opinions next year.

You only need to look at the transformative (if remarkably shortlived) effects on the Liberal Democrats popularity after Nick Clegg's remarkable debate outings before the 2010 general election. No party leader would ever want to repeat Clegg's dramatic fall in public esteem but they dream of repeating those debate performances.

And leadership debates are a particular sore point for Alex Salmond and the SNP. Remember they went to court in 2010 to try to force the BBC to include him in its general election leaders' debates, alongside the three UK party leaders?

Although it won, that political battle was bruising for the BBC: it handled it badly and won't want to repeat the experience. (But despite raising nearly £50,000 for legal costs, the SNP leadership had a pretty good idea they would lose: they took the precaution of printing one million leaflets complaining that Salmond was being excluded before the hearing took place)

Salmond is unlikely to allow BetterTogether to fob him off with Alistair Darling who is, he'd likely argue, no longer a government minister let alone head of a government.

Despite insisting that Scotland's referendum will be designed, run and settled in Scotland, Salmond is likely to fixate on getting a head-to-head debate with Cameron at least once in the next 18 months.

Salmond would relish the chance to champion Scotland's cause on welfare cuts, George Osborne's failed economic strategy and taunt Cameron over the Tories's repeated electoral failures in Scotland. It is on these topics that the independence movement believes it is getting the greatest interest from voters – particularly urban, working class voters.

Nicola Sturgeon, the deputy first minister, said the SNP's position is this:

David Cameron has a duty as the most senior politician in the anti-independence movement to come forward and stop hiding from this challenge.

It would offer an opportunity for him to tell the people of Scotland why Westminster insists on wasting billions of pounds on unwanted Trident weapons of mass destruction on the Clyde, whilst imposing unfair measures such as the bedroom tax.

These are good enough reasons for Cameron to say no thanks; but he's as snooty about his debating opponents as the first minister. Salmond, he reckons, isn't his equal or his counterpart. And if Salmond wants this referendum made in Scotland, he can fight it against a domestic opponent.

For its part, this is routine for YouGov: it carried out campaigning polls – some presumably quite sensitive - simultaneously at the last election for both Labour and the Tories without raising eyebrows. Any chance of the Better Together team spiking the guns of the SNP desk in YouGov house, or secrets exchanged at the water cooler? Not really, said a spokesman:

Each project is discrete: we just work very closely with clients to get their unbiased questions. We're experienced with polling for both sides in an election: it's familiar territory for us.